Toyosi Olala, a doctoral candidate at the University of North Dakota, has been named a 2023 American Association of University Women (AAUW) International Fellow. Olala is the first UND student to achieve that honor. Olala was awarded $25,000 to assist with her research during the 2023/2024 academic year. Olala’s research examines using telepsychology as a culturally appropriate communicative approach as a mental health intervention for women in Nigeria.
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In Conversation with Dr. Keisha N. Blain
Tuesday, October 18, 2 p.m. ET
For this special webinar in our 140th anniversary series, AAUW CEO Gloria Blackwell speaks with 2016-17 AAUW American Fellow and award-winning author, historian and professor Dr. Keisha N. Blain.
Dr. Blain will discuss her most recent book Until I Am Free: Fannie Lou Hamer’s Enduring Message to America, a riveting biography and intellectual history of Black activist Fannie Lou Hamer. Dr. Blain establishes Hamer as a crucial political thinker for the civil rights movement and demonstrates the modern-day relevance of Hamer’s ideas. Until I Am Free has been described as a must-read for anyone committed to social justice.
Visit Salary Negotiation and take this free online course in salary negotiation techniques.
Learn how to research your target salary, highlight your accomplishments and find the right words — and the confidence — to negotiate for better benefits and pay. You can sign up for a free in-person workshop or online course, which takes less than two hours to complete and can be done at your own pace. AAUW’s goal is to mobilize a million women to learn salary negotiation skills.
Career Development Grants
Career Development Grants provide funding to women who hold a bachelor’s degree and are preparing to advance or change careers or reenter the workforce. Primary consideration is given to women of color and women pursuing their first advanced degree or credentials in nontraditional fields.
Jamestown AAUW #ToastToTenacity
Jamestown AAUW branch members recently celebrated the anniversary of the signing into law of the 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution with a #ToastToTenacity. The 19th Amendment to the U.S. Constitution became law in August 1920, granting American women the right to vote. Ninety-eight years later, Vision 2020’s Toast to Tenacity honors the suffragists who fought for this right, and urges women to shape the future by exercising their right to vote.
Jamestown AAUW Garden Tour
Jamestown AAUW members held their 29th Annual AAUW Garden Tour in Jamestown on July 18. The event was attended by over 250 visitors to four featured yards. Funds from this event support AAUW’s mission to improve equity for women and girls through programming efforts and some of the monies also support the Jamestown’s AAUW Scholarship Endowment at the University of Jamestown.
Congratulations to AAUW’s 2018-19 Fellowship and Grants Awardees!
The 2018–19 award year kicked off with the release of our updated online Fellowships and Grants directory in which you can find out more about the remarkable women and organizations from your area! To learn more about AAUW’s fellowships and grants programs and past awardees, visit our fellowships and grants web page and read our Following the Fellows blog series.
AAUW Issues: Federal Judicial Nominations
AAUW’s Public Policy Priorities supports “a fair, balanced, and independent judiciary” to ensure constitutional protection for the civil rights of all individuals. Federal courts up to and including the Supreme Court are often also the last, best hope for women who have experienced discrimination in education, employment, health care, and other aspects of their lives.
2018 AAUW National Bylaws Amendment Vote Results
Thank you for participating in the 2018 AAUW National Bylaws Amendment vote. We had a great turnout this year with over 17 percent of eligible members participating in the vote, more than three times the 5 percent required by our bylaws. In North Dakota we had 175 eligible voters and 24 voted for a total of 13.7 percent.Thank you for making your voice matter on these important issues.
Know Your Rights: The Equal Pay Act
Despite the passage of the EPA 55 years ago, women still do not take home wages equal to those of their male peers. If you’re concerned that you may be a victim of sex-based pay discrimination, or if you just want to know more about how the EPA works, this resource covers the basic information to get you started.
Take the Pledge to Protect Title IX
June 23rd marks the 46th anniversary of Title IX. Help fight back against attacks on the Title IX by pledging to take part in AAUW’s upcoming campaign to protect Title IX.
Still Separate, Still Unequal: The Role of Black Women and Girls in the Legacy of Brown v. Board of Education
More than sixty years after Brown v. Board of Education of Topeka, in which the Supreme Court ruled that state laws segregating schools were unconstitutional, schools are more segregated than they were in 1968 (approximately 75 percent of black students attend racially segregated schools), and black girls have suffered greatly as a result.
Broken Ladders: Barriers to Women’s Representation in Non-Profit Leadership
Women’s equity in the workplace has been a focus of the American Association of University Women (AAUW) since our founding in 1881. And while great strides have been made, women are still largely excluded from the most powerful corporate positions in our economy. For Instance, the Fortune 500 list of the largest American corporations recently reached a historic high representation of women CEOs at just 6.4 percent, or about 1 in 15. Women in these companies fill only about one in five senior management positions. AAUW’s latest report on women in leadership at nonprofits is now available online.
AAUW ND Celebrates 2018 “Women of Distinction”
This year’s “Women of Distinction” are honored for promoting women’s and girls issues and for their leadership both in their affiliates and their communities.
AAUW ND Elects Three to State Board
Theresa Leiphon, AAUW Devils Lake, was elected to her second term as AAUW North Dakota’s State President. Connie Lillijord, AAUW Jamestown was reelected as our state secretary and Kathy Ashe, AAUW Grand Forks was also elected to her second term as By-Laws and Parliamentarian Chair.
The 2018 North Dakota AAUW Annual Meeting was held in Jamestown on April 13-14. Read all about meeting highlights here:
FARGO-MOORHEAD AAUW Celebrate National Equal Pay Day
Fargo-Moorhead AAUW members celebrated National Equal Pay day by having area Mayors sign a proclaimation declaring April 10 as Equal Pay Day in the area vowing to improve Pay Equity issues in the Metro Area. Read the full story here Equal Pay Day.
AAUW State Meeting – April 13-14, 2018 in Jamestown
Please register for the State AAUW Meeting by April 6, 2018 to get the registration discount. Members can register online at: AAUW ND State Meeting Registration
For more information about the annual meeting or for a printable registration form please visit our Annual Meeting page
Jamestown AAUW Member Recognized for Art Work
Mary Craft, a member of Jamestown AAUW, was recognized at Unison Bank, located on Main Street in Jamestown, as Artist of the Month. Her thirty-one pieces of mixed media collages are on display at the bank for the entire month. One of Mary’s art pieces was also selected in 2017 for the AAUW Notecards as part of the AAUW National Member Art Contest. Congratulations Mary.
The 2018 Tech Savvy and Stem Tastic was held on March 15 on the University of Jamestown Campus
The AAUW Jamestown (ND) Branch has joined forces with the Jamestown
Public Schools, University of Jamestown, and the ND STEM Network to host Tech Savvy, a local, one-day program at the University of Jamestown that was held on Thursday, March 15, 2018 to help over 220 seventh and eighth-grade girls from Stutsman County explore science, technology, engineering and math. Tech Savvy by AAUW, is a national program designed for girls to experience firsthand how STEM fields can lead to exciting careers. Read all about this Tech Savvy event.